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You have made it through another year. Now it is time to renew and continue, to create more history behind your website and show the world that you intend on sticking around.

Why do you need to renew your names?

Sometimes when you renew your domain names you can find a coupon code and you will be able to save some money when you renew your domain names. This means that you can save a percentage or sometimes it is a flat renewal fee coupon code that you can use. When you can save money like this you may want to renew your domains for more than just one year. Make sure you know when your domains are coming up for renewal and you look for coupon codes that will work for you when they come up for renewal. When you get your 90 day notice telling you that you need to renew it is time to start looking for coupons. You can use the 90 days you have to find the right coupon for you and save money on your domain renewals.

Our Process

Login to account

Sign in to your Tricasol Account Panel and go to the ‘Expiring/Expired section’. View a list of all of your domains that are up for renewal.

Select domains

Click the check boxes of the domains you wish to renew and click the ‘Add Selected’ button. Click ‘View Cart’ to go to your shopping cart.

Review Orders

Review your cart, and don’t forget to renew Who is Guard and Premium DNS too. Select the number of years for which you wish to renew.

Confirm and finish

Once you are happy with your choices, simply click ‘Confirm Order’ and complete your purchase. You will be sent an email confirming your order.

3 Top tips to use when you need to renew your domain names

Find a Coupon

Many times you have to renew domain names simply because you only purchase a registration for one year or two years at a time. This is because you want to try out the domain name and see if you can make money from it or if it is going to work best for your project or not. This means that after the original period of registration is up you will need to renew your domain names.

Renew For More Than 1 year

Many times you have to renew domain names simply because you only purchase a registration for one year or two years at a time. This is because you want to try out the domain name and see if you can make money from it or if it is going to work best for your project or not. This means that after the original period of registration is up you will need to renew your domain names.

Renew on Time

When you have a domain name that you want to renew you should always renew it for more than one year. This will save you more money and you will have less to worry about as well. If you have had the domain for at least a year and you have done well with it, then it is only going to get better. In addition to being more convenient, the longer you have it the more love it will get from the search engines because of its’ age, since domain age is now factored into search engine rankings.

A Few final things to know you need to renew your domain names a

Even if you do not want to keep your domain name you should still renew it. Chances are you can sell it for more than what you will pay to renew it and that means you still have an asset that you can leverage. You can use a few different types of sites to help you sell the domain you have, especially if you have a website on it that you can sell with the domain.

Then, you can include the renewal of the domain name in the package. You can tell the potential buyer that they will not have to renew the domain until a certain date, which is the date it expires. You can charge to have the domain transferred to their hosting account or you can sell them the hosting account you have with the domain name as well.

This is an asset you can use to make money to expand another domain you own or to use for anything you want to use it for. It would be like leveraging a business building you own that you have not fully developed or that has not produced the income you were hoping it would. This is another reason you want to renew your domain names.

Renewal Process For .PK Domain

All pk domain names are come under Sponsor and registry of PKNIC, that’s why all rights are reserved for PKNIC and their pointed reselles to Register or renew any .pk domain extension as well as generate a PKNIC card for registration and renewal of any .pk extension. Anyone who holds any .pk domain extension for his/her website can renew their domain name himself/herself by following two simple renewal processes:

PK-Domain is also one of those top 20 resellers ok PKNIC in Pakistan who have all rights reserved to generate a PKNIC prepared card for any pk domain name renewal and registration process. We are offering cheapest Pk domains renewal services in cities of Pakistan you can get our service from Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar etc. We can also generate an E-PKNIC card for you and provide your PKNIC Card to you for domain renewal or domain registration via email or SMS after confirmation of your payment.


Frequently Asked Questions

Shared Hosting Shared web hosting services are one of the most popular forms of web hosting, owing to its low cost. The plan holder has access to a small portion of a web server that is shared by hundreds of other websites. These powerful web servers are partitioned and assigned to web hosting clients. You have a certain quantity of server resources as a shared web hosting plan holder. If you need to exceed these limits, resources are drawn from other partitions on the network to meet your demands. Although this method reduces speed and page loading times, it allows you to have limitless plan benefits such as bandwidth and storage space. Shared hosting is a distinct sort of web hosting that is often less expensive than any other type of web hosting service. Many webmasters gain their first experience with web hosting by acquiring and utilizing a shared web hosting package. Shared hosting is a sort of hosting setup in which a single web server powers hundreds of websites owned by several webmasters, thus the phrase “shared” hosting.

Because of its steep learning curve, shared hosting is ideal for new site owners and users with little to no technological knowledge. It is also best suited for small to medium-sized websites, such as portfolios, small businesses, and blogs.

CPanel is a popular control panel that allows you to administer your web hosting server using a user-friendly web interface. It’s notably common across shared hosts, since it’s the mandated option offered by the majority of affordable hosting companies. You would require technical skills to administer your websites/server without cPanel. However, with cPanel, you can make adjustments using a graphical interface — no technical experience is necessary.

Shared hosting is a form of Web hosting in which the service provider serves pages from a single Web server for several Web sites, each with its own Internet domain name. Although shared hosting is a less expensive alternative for businesses to establish a Web presence, it is frequently insufficient for high-traffic websites.

Shared Hosting Plans
A web hosting server is a computer that stores people’s webpages. It’s much like your house where you keep things; all you need to do is a quick appraisal of your needs:
  • Determine how much support you require.
  • Estimate the amount of traffic your website will have and become familiar with the various server options.
  • Choose a content management system and a server based on your needs.
Register a Domain Name in order to acquire one. The domain name isn’t something you can see or touch; it’s simply a series of letters and numbers that gives your website a unique identity. It is always one-of-a-kind. It implies that if the domain “” is already in use, you cannot obtain it.

If you are seeking for a new web hosting business before gaining better speed, uptime, and scalability without data loss, Tricasol offer free data transfer and backups. Simply place your order, contact our 24/7 support, and we’ll move your site to us with the greatest hosting features.

SSL certificate with 99% uptime guarantee
  • Unbreakable security measures
  • Customer service is available 24/7.
  • Ongoing backup
  • Hosting for free trials
  • Multiple users/websites/accounts can be hosted on a single web server with shared hosting. Dedicated hosting, on the other hand, is a single server that is exclusively dedicated to one user. In a nutshell, the difference between a Shared and a Dedicated Hosting Server is equivalent to the difference between an apartment in a building and a cottage house. Both are suitable for living. However, there are certain benefits and drawbacks to selecting one over the other.
